
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Supercomputer Chips

Yes, you read the headline correctly: an entire supercomputer in a single chip. To give you an idea of how powerful this supercomputer is, the system runs more than 100 billion operations per second. Yeah, wild stuff. One would imagine this would require lots of energy, but it really only takes a few watts, less than the amount of power a cell phone runs on. Created by electrical engineer associate professor Eugenio Culurciello, as well as other researches at Yale University, this supercomputer chip's potential applications include using it to create cars which drive themselves. Also, it could be used for just about anything else you can think of that involves motion sensing, as well as much, much more. Many of us are now fantasizing about how amazing it would be to just sit down in the car and not do anything as it drives itself to wherever you need to go. A wonderful future, indeed! Read more at the source


  1. I cannot wait for the day where cars don't need drivers.

  2. I like Doritos! They are chips too ya know! LOL

  3. Shit, I posted a really cool comment a minute ago, and our hit and miss internet connection missed when I clicked on post comment. And of course i cant rewrite exactly what I said the first time. Daaaammmmmmmmmmit!

  4. Like the whole supercomputer article. Cool stuff!

  5. Looks very promising as for what computing-speed/size seems, let's see what happens :D

  6. informative article, sorta what my company is doing lol

  7. try putting a link code instead of the whole thing man. Looks easier for blog readers to read. Thanks for the info man. Good luck on your blog =D

  8. Oh my god... Not having to drive is <3

  9. and just imagine how it'll be when we start making breakthroughs in nanotechnology. I can't even imagine damn

  10. that is insane and awesome at the same time. damn.

  11. Awesome. Just think of the possibilities.

  12. 60 years ago the rockets were guided by computers no more complexed than the simplest calculator aviable right now, the entire moon landing was calculated with a damn slide rule.
    Now we have supercomputers that can fit in the pocket and still we dont have hovercars or space colonies :(

  13. Well done good sir. Love the content on here :D

  14. cars will need drivers... software that is :D haha, get it? :D lame joke... i know
